Project LED Rainbow: Bluetooth Support

Added some logic to the LED rainbow so it dims slowly over the course of the hour before turning off for the night, and same in the morning. With that, I call this project complete! Decided to add Bluetooth control to the LED Rainbow. Every once in a while we need to change the go to sleep and wake up times and M wants to be able to control the colours from her iPad....

February 12, 2021 · 2 min · Taylan Pince

Project LED Rainbow: Prototype

I have been working on an LED rainbow project for M. It’s really coming along and I also managed to get an RTC module soldered on to the board tonight. Everything was going well until the sketch upload to the Trinket failed. Apparently Adafruit Trinket has this issue where it’s easy to override the bootloader by mistake. I think it happened because I was using 99% of progmem. Solution is easy, you just hook up the Trinket to another Arduino and use a little sketch to burn a fresh bootloader....

February 3, 2021 · 1 min · Taylan Pince